Opening up the planning landscape - 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond

Opening up the planning landscape - 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond

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Anticipating culturally resilient transformation in Mariënburg, Suriname

In 2020, ISTT was published in "Opening up the planning landscape - 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond".

This book brings together fifteen years of research that all focus on actor-relational planning research. This refers to the transition from government to governance: the departure of a government-driven planning approach with little influence for society to a planning approach in which numerous stakeholders are involved and the government acts more as a facilitator.

The actor-relational approach of planning is not a fixed methodology but rather an attitude which (co-)evolves depending on specific themes, insights and surroundings. Therewith, the book forms a showcase of the wide applicability of the actor-relational approach in enduring or deadlocked planning processes.

The purpose of the book is twofold: first, the book demonstrates the legacy of the actor-relationship approach. Themes such as climate change, the housing market, public transport and the effects of urban renewal are thus addressed. Second, the book serves as a springboard for actor-relational and complexity research planning in the future. As a source of inspiration for planners, urban planners, theorists, students and stakeholders.

Citation link:
Goethals, M., De Walsche, J., Heirman, S., Dasai, M., De Feyter, N. (2020). Anticipating culturally resilient transformation in Mariënburg, Suriname; in L. Boelens, B. Boonstra, A. Staessen en P. Davids (eds.) Opening up the Planning Landscape – 15 years of actor-relational planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond.