Design-driven participatory action research on the reuse of construction and waste materials in Moengo
Participatory action research aimed at improving the housing quality of marginalised groups often encounters economic and social obstacles such as building material scarcity, overpriced materials, non-locally produced products and lack of solidarity due to increasing poverty.
This master's thesis is the continuation of two months of field research in Moengo in which in-depth interviews, multifaceted observations, workshops and the attempt to establish partnerships, laid the foundation for the research question "How can the establishment of a circular system for reusing materials be a stepping stone to setting up DIY-teams within Moengo?". The research aims to find a solution to restore the built heritage using The 'Maakfabriek', a circular sharing system where residents donate materials that are thoughtfully distributed back within the community. In addition, The Maakfabriek aims to make a positive contribution to the educational sector and maximise employment and opportunities. The next step within the factory's concept is to set up a DIY-team to restore Moengo's built heritage.